
Showing posts from June, 2018

Diabetes 2 diagnosis - journal it.

Well, shoot. The diabetes diagnosis is real enough. Darn, here I am doing the stages of denial, bargaining, anger, and I don't think I have yet done depression in a profound way, there was the grief depression of losing my mother and for the moment, I am Very Happy again, even with Diabetes diagnosis. I like to think I've reached acceptance. Even so my experience with grief is that there is cycling ups and downs. I am Very disappointed that the Paleo way of eating did not prevent my diabetes diagnosis. Although I am equally pleased that after several years of eating paleo, vegetables, fruits, no sugar, etc. are a way of life. I have to admit upon learning of the diagnosis, in my thoughts, I said what the hell, and began taking up all the foods on our No list. I feel though, that was more initial reaction. We are back to trying to manage the blood glucose levels, eating the healthy foods, and diabetic specific, not paleo specific. I am also Very disappointed that for the ye